Zeze Zebra is Keyframe Animation Studio IP, CGI preschool show. The episodes feature a young and energetic little zebra Zeze who loves to put on a show together with her friends – a hippo, flamingo, sheep, rhino and Grandpa - Zeze’s grandfather. More about the property: ZEZE ZEBRA
• Logo development and animation reveal for Keyframe Animation Studio IP ZEZE ZEBRA. Logo was designed to be friendly and appealing for target audience 2-4 year olds as well as their parents. Logo developed around main 3D character and restyling for flat look and feel. 2D character animation by Maja Fjallstrom.
• Design of digital posters for IMDB platform for ZEZE ZEBRA series.
• 3D animation for ZEZE ZEBRA episode Lullaby.
To watch full episode, please click here.